Our service is by appointment only. A minimum of 2 days advance is requested for local transportation. Anything out of town requires 7 days advance notice.
Hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. We will go beyond those hours if enough notice is given.
For medical appointments, it is best to call as soon as the appointment is booked to secure your pickup time. It is good to have a tentative return time for pickup, otherwise the client or person at reception desk would call us when client is ready to go home.
Cancellations must be made 24 hrs. in advance otherwise a $30 charge will be applied.
Gift Certificates are available. They make a perfect gift for anyone aged 60+ who no longer drives.
Hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. We will go beyond those hours if enough notice is given.
For medical appointments, it is best to call as soon as the appointment is booked to secure your pickup time. It is good to have a tentative return time for pickup, otherwise the client or person at reception desk would call us when client is ready to go home.
Cancellations must be made 24 hrs. in advance otherwise a $30 charge will be applied.
Gift Certificates are available. They make a perfect gift for anyone aged 60+ who no longer drives.