Rates & Billing Info.
Transportation rates are based on km's from the pick up location to the drop off location. There is an additional costs if assistance is required to get the client ready prior to their appointment or to take them in / out of the building where their appointment is.
There is a $20 minimum charge for a one way trip. Please call for an exact quote for one way or return trips. You will need to provide your address, the address of your destination and whether any assistance is required.
If a client requires us to stay with them during a medical procedure there is an additional cost of $25/hr.
For clients who use our services more than three times throughout the month, monthly billing is available. An invoice would be e-mailed to the client or a hard copy mailed to the client’s home at the end of the month. Client can send a cheque in the mail or provide us with a Visa or MasterCard number which can be put on file and charged accordingly. A receipt will be provided.
For a one way trip the client pays at drop off similar to a taxi. A receipt can be provided upon request and any transportation for medical appointments can be claimed on your income tax. For a return trip the client would pay on the trip back home so they don't have to pay twice.
We are pleased to offer Gift Certificates. It is the perfect gift for any seniors in your life as it provides them with their own independence so they don't have to rely on family members or friends to take them places.
There is a $20 minimum charge for a one way trip. Please call for an exact quote for one way or return trips. You will need to provide your address, the address of your destination and whether any assistance is required.
If a client requires us to stay with them during a medical procedure there is an additional cost of $25/hr.
For clients who use our services more than three times throughout the month, monthly billing is available. An invoice would be e-mailed to the client or a hard copy mailed to the client’s home at the end of the month. Client can send a cheque in the mail or provide us with a Visa or MasterCard number which can be put on file and charged accordingly. A receipt will be provided.
For a one way trip the client pays at drop off similar to a taxi. A receipt can be provided upon request and any transportation for medical appointments can be claimed on your income tax. For a return trip the client would pay on the trip back home so they don't have to pay twice.
We are pleased to offer Gift Certificates. It is the perfect gift for any seniors in your life as it provides them with their own independence so they don't have to rely on family members or friends to take them places.